Venture Fund I

Navajo Power Home

Solar service provider for off-grid homes on Navajo and Hopi lands.
Navajo Power Home is a solar service provider for off-grid homes on Navajo and Hopi lands. Navajo Power Home was established with the vision to bring power to off-grid Native American homes that are searching for a high-quality, consistent electricity service. Many Native American off-grid homes currently use expensive, noisy, carbon-intensive generators for electric power. Navajo Power Home provides a reliable, high-quality, pay-as-you-go solar service alternative. Navajo Power Home also trains and hires its workforce from the communities it serves, supporting Native American employment and job skills development. Navajo Power Home is a collaboration between Navajo Power, a utility-scale solar developer, and iluméxico, a solar service provider for off-grid households in Mexico and Colombia.